Why we eat real food, and why you should too!

Our Joey


2015-10-26 11.45.08
Me, Joey and the husband


It was always going to be tough to think of the topic for my first blog post! After much soul-searching there was only one topic that would actually work.

The reason for this blog, the reason my heart swells with pride on a daily basis, the reason I want to live life to the fullest each day, the reason for my happiness, the reason I lose sleep at night, and undoubtedly the reason for future sleepless nights. Our son, Joey.

Always a lover of food, an avid cook, someone who likes to experiment in the kitchen, having a family gave me a whole new world of food to explore.

It was eye-opening to have our son in 2014 and quickly move from milk to solid foods. Only to find that the supermarkets were filled with processed and packaged foods. Many appearing healthy but turning over the packets I saw lists and lists of ingredients, E numbers, additives, preservatives, colours, flavours, and whole lists of things ive never even heard of. It was scary that our babies (yes babies…from 4 months)  are being marketed this ‘apparently healthy food’.

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We are all personally responsible for our food choices. Its not the big companies responsibility to provide my family with nutritious healthy foods, its their job to sell huge amounts of product to make masses of profit. There is no social responsibility, there is no care for the health of our future generations and there is certainly no commitment to ensuring our toddlers have teeth that don’t require extraction before they arrive at school.

As time poor working families we are more and more inclined to move towards fast, simple food options. We need a quick option for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The over abundance of processed foods on our supermarket shelves have desensitised us to the world of processed food.

Have you seen bananas on a tray, wrapped in plastic being sold? The insanity!

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I write this blog and share our recipes in the hope it helps some families to cook healthy meals for the ones they love. I will always try to give alternatives for processed and packaged foods, for allergen sensitivities and vego options in the hopes of contributing to a future health epidemic!

Deeply concerned for my family’s health, I am committed to ensuring we are educated, make good food choices and know how to nourish our family. Of course I’m a realist…and our cherub had an ice-cream and a peanut butter sandwich for dinner last night. I’ll always pick my battles wisely…… But it was a homemade coconut milk and mango ice cream with a wholemeal bread and organic peanut butter sandwich. We are by no means perfect and we do not exist on grass and air alone. We are simply committed to not being dazzled by the packaging and the ease of processed foods and will make ‘from scratch meals daily’!

We eat real food daily because this is the first generation that is likely to not live as long as their parents did. Because there are over *42 million children globally overweight or obese under the age of 5. If we don’t make a change our children will suffer and only we are to blame.

Learn how to cook. Understand ingredients. Have balance. Eat the rainbow (add colour to your plate!), Get ‘the chemical maze’ book, read up on processed foods and invest in your health!

Feel free to drop me a line, request a particular recipe via email…..your kids love a certain packaged food?….lets try and make a healthier alternative!

Thank you for time in reading our stories and best of food luck to you and your families!         AND ALWAYS……………….


Love and Food



*Jamie Oliver food revolution









  1. Great work Naomi. Your stories are enjoyable to read and the recipes look great. Cant wait to try some. Congratulations on your blog. Joey will love it in years to come!


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